孟子见齐宣王曰:“为巨室,则必使工师求大木。工师得大木,则王喜,以为能胜其任也。匠人斫[1]而小之,则王怒,以为不胜其任矣。夫人幼而学之,壮而欲行之。王曰‘姑舍女所学而从我’,则何如?今有璞玉于此,虽万镒[2],必使玉人雕琢之。至于治国家,则曰‘姑舍女所学而从我’,则何以异于教玉人雕琢玉哉?”Mencius, having an interview with the king Xuan of Qi, said to him, “If you are going to build a large mansion, you will surely cause the Master of the workmen to look out for large trees, and when he has found such large trees, you will be glad, thinking that they will answer for the intended object. Should the workmen hew them so as to make them too small, then Your Majesty will be angry, thinking that they will not answer for the purpose. No...