梁惠王曰:“晋国[1],天下莫强焉,叟之所知也。及寡人之身,东败于齐,长子死焉;西丧地于秦七百里;南辱于楚。寡人耻之,愿比死者一洒之[2],如之何则可?”孟子对曰:“地方百里而可以王。王如施仁政于民,省刑罚,薄税敛,深耕易耨[3],壮者以暇日修其孝悌忠信,入以事其父兄,出以事其长上,可使制梃以挞秦、楚之坚甲利兵矣。“彼夺其民时,使不得耕耨以养其父母,父母冻饿,兄弟妻子离散。彼陷溺其民,王往而征之,夫谁王敌?故曰:‘仁者无敌。’王请勿疑!”King Hui of Liang said, “There was not in the nation a stronger state than Jin, as you, venerable sir, know. But since it descended to me, on the east we have been defeated by Qi, and then my eldest son perished; on the west we have lost seven hundred li of territory to Qin; and on the south we have sustained disgrace at the hands of Chu. I have brought shame on my d...