梁惠王曰:“寡人愿安[1]承教。”孟子对曰:“杀人以梃[2]与刃,有以异乎?”曰:“无以异也。”“以刃与政,有以异乎?”曰:“无以异也。”曰:“庖[3]有肥肉,厩[4]有肥马,民有饥色,野有饿莩,此率兽而食人也。兽相食,且人恶[5]之。为民父母,行政不免于率兽而食人。恶[6]在其为民父母也?仲尼曰:‘始作俑[7]者,其无后乎!’为其象[8]人而用之也。如之何其使斯民饥而死也?”King Hui of Liang said, “I wish quietly to receive your instructions.”Mencius replied, “Is there any difference between killing a man with a stick and with a sword?”The king said, “There is no difference!”“Is there any difference between doing it with a sword and with the style of government?”“There is no difference,” was the reply.Mencius then said, “In your kitchen there is fat me...